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Bliss Elegant Events & Rentals

H0w do I book?


First, build your desire Wishlist of desired rentals. After submitting your desired items, we will confirm availability. Please include date, desired time and venue location.

How do deposits and payments work?


Fifty Percent (50%) of the rental amount is required to secure your event date, unless agreed upon otherwise. Please note, payments are nonrefundable, regardless of the reason of cancellation. Your remaining balance MUST be paid 14 days prior to the event. If your event is less than 14 days away, full payment is required at the time of booking.

Do you Delivery?


Yes! We do not allow pickups for any of our Backdrops, Flower Walls, Grass Wall, Throne Chairs or Seats. Delivery Fee for in-town delivery starts at $25. Includes Delivery, Set-Up and Pick Up. Please note we do require access to the venue for at least one to two hours  before event start time and one hour pick up after conclusion of the event to allow us  remove rental. Access  must include vehicle parking near entrance.


What if my event is canceled or rescheduled due to weather or unforeseen circumstances?

We  will certainly work with you in the event of unforeseen cancellations or harsh weather conditions. While all payments are nonrefundable, regardless of the reason, clients are subject to a full company credit for up to six months from the original event date unless other wise stated. Please be advised, clients are permitted up to  2 rescheduled event dates within six month period. After this, client must forfeit credit and submit a new wish list and  restart the booking process.   

Can I provide my own Balloons? Will you use a kit I purchased myself from Amazon, Etsy etc?

In short...NO. When it comes to balloon's we only use high quality latex from a trusted supplier to ensure they are not damaged or expired. Also many times, kits from Amazon or Etsy might not have enough balloons to create the desired vision as a lot of images used for those kits are photoshopped or the image is work from an actual balloon artist's website and being clickbait towards the customer. We ensure our clients have the BEST quality and our work is represented to our standards. Thank you for understanding.

Bliss Elegant Events & Rentals will provide exemplary customer service and be on time to each and every

event. Bliss Elegant will provide quality prop's and furniture rentals in the best conditions. Bliss Elegant does

not guarantee rentals items without signs of wear. Please note, majority of the rentals periods are up to 8 

hours, from delivery to pick up. Unless other wise advised.

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©2021 by Bliss Elegant Event Rentals LLC.

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